Module NewOCR

Class ImageLetter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ImageLetter
    extends CoordinateCharacter
    An object to contain data from characters directly scanned from an image.
    April 25, 2019
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ImageLetter​(char letter, int modifier, int x, int y, int width, int height, double averageWidth, double averageHeight, double ratio)
      Creates an ImageLetter from collected data.
      ImageLetter​(char letter, int modifier, int x, int y, int width, int height, double averageWidth, double averageHeight, double ratio, java.util.List<IntPair> coordinates)
      Creates an ImageLetter from collected data.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageLetter

        public ImageLetter​(char letter,
                           int modifier,
                           int x,
                           int y,
                           int width,
                           int height,
                           double averageWidth,
                           double averageHeight,
                           double ratio)
        Creates an ImageLetter from collected data.
        letter - The letter value
        modifier - The modifier of the letter
        x - The X coordinate of this character
        y - The Y coordinate of this character
        width - The width of this character
        height - The height of this character
        averageWidth - The average width of the character
        averageHeight - The average height of the character
        ratio - The width/height ratio of this character
      • ImageLetter

        public ImageLetter​(char letter,
                           int modifier,
                           int x,
                           int y,
                           int width,
                           int height,
                           double averageWidth,
                           double averageHeight,
                           double ratio,
                           java.util.List<IntPair> coordinates)
        Creates an ImageLetter from collected data.
        letter - The letter value
        modifier - The modifier of the letter
        x - The X coordinate of this character
        y - The Y coordinate of this character
        width - The width of this character
        height - The height of this character
        averageWidth - The average width of the character
        averageHeight - The average height of the character
        ratio - The width/height ratio of this character
        coordinates - The data coordinates of this character (In form of [Black, Total])
    • Method Detail

      • getAverageWidth

        public double getAverageWidth()
        Gets the average width of this character's trained data.
        The average width of the character
      • setAverageWidth

        public void setAverageWidth​(double averageWidth)
        Sets the average width of this character's trained data.
        averageWidth - The average width of the character
      • getAverageHeight

        public double getAverageHeight()
        Gets the average height of this character's trained data.
        The average height of the character
      • setAverageHeight

        public void setAverageHeight​(double averageHeight)
        Sets the average height of this character's trained data.
        averageHeight - The average height of the character
      • getRatio

        public double getRatio()
        Gets the width/height ratio of this character.
        The width/height ratio of this character
      • setRatio

        public void setRatio​(double ratio)
        Sets the width/height ratio of this character.
        ratio - The width/height ratio of this character
      • getData

        public <T> java.util.Optional<T> getData​(java.lang.Class<T> clazz)
        Gets any data set to the ImageLetter object, useful for storing any needed data about the character to be used in the future.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the data
        clazz - The class type of the data, only used for getting the returning type
        Data set to the character
      • getData

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Object> getData()
        Gets the raw data Object set to the ImageLetter object, useful for storing any needed data about the character to be used in the future.
        Data set to the character
      • setData

        public void setData​(java.lang.Object data)
        Sets any data to the ImageLetter object, useful for storing any needed data about the character to be used in the future.
        data - The data to be set
      • getMinCenter

        public double getMinCenter()
        Gets the minimum relative center value from the top of the character found in the training set for this font size.
        The minimum relative center value from the top of the character found in the training set for this font size
      • setMinCenter

        public void setMinCenter​(double minCenter)
        Sets the minimum relative center value from the top of the character found in the training set for this font size.
        minCenter - The minimum relative center value from the top of the character found in the training set for this font size
      • getMaxCenter

        public double getMaxCenter()
        Gets the maximum relative center value from the top of the character found in the training set for this font size.
        The maximum relative center value from the top of the character found in the training set for this font size
      • setMaxCenter

        public void setMaxCenter​(double maxCenter)
        Sets the maximum relative center value from the top of the character found in the training set for this font size.
        maxCenter - The maximum relative center value from the top of the character found in the training set for this font size
      • getClosestMatches

        public java.util.List<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2DoubleMap.Entry<ImageLetter>> getClosestMatches()
      • setClosestMatches

        public void setClosestMatches​(java.util.List<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2DoubleMap.Entry<ImageLetter>> closestMatches)
      • setNextClosest

        public void setNextClosest()
      • copyProperties

        public void copyProperties​(ImageLetter imageLetter)
        Copies the properties from the given ImageLetter to the current one.
        imageLetter - The ImageLetter to copy data from
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class Character